
リリースから2日で100万ダウンロードを突破したという「iPhone」用アプリ「Skypeicon」が、1.0.2にバージョンアップしました。Skype for iPhone hotfix – Skype Garageというエントリーでアップデートについて説明されています。

With this version we solved many of the issues you were complaining to us after the initial release.


* Improved support for calling phone numbers that don’t have a country code
* Improved error handling when making calls to landlines and mobiles, which previously may have failed if you had a monthly subscription
* Resolved a problem with new account creation, which caused customers to be redirected to an incorrect web page, when making a purchase
* Fixed a problem, which caused the application to crash, when tapping a contact image (avatar) within a chat


「Skype for iPhone」リリースから2日で100万ダウンロード突破


#「App Storeicon」を見る

 iTunes Store(Japan)