ソーシャル・モバイル・テック・クリエイターのJoseph Tame氏が、Apple CEOを辞任したスティーブ・ジョブズに捧げる巨大なAppleマークを東京に描きました。
Art of Running – A Tribute to Steve: 21KM Apple Logo « Joseph Tameという記事になっています。
It’s for this that I’d like to personally show my appreciation to Steve for his vision and leadership, which has made a direct positive impact upon my life. His work has also served to revolutionise the mobile phone industry, something that was desperately needed here more than anywhere. I’d like to wish Steve all the best, and hope that his health improves fast now he’s able to focus more on getting well again.

カテゴリ: ヘルスケア/フィットネス
価格: 無料
(via Touch Lab – タッチ ラボ)