スティーブ・ジョブズのApple CEO辞任に伴い、後任に指名されたTim Cook(ティム・クック)ですが、どんな人物なのでしょうか?
Apple – Press Info – Apple Leadership – Tim Cookというプロフィールページがあります。CEOの前はCOO(Chief Operating Officer)で、本名はTimothy D. Cookです。
Before joining Apple, Cook was vice president of Corporate Materials for Compaq and was responsible for procuring and managing all of Compaq’s product inventory. Previous to his work at Compaq, Cook was the chief operating officer of the Reseller Division at Intelligent Electronics.
ティム・クック – Wikipediaによると「アップルのCEO スティーブ・ジョブズの元で経営の実務面を担当し、同社の躍進を支えてきた」と評されています。
2011年1月から、医療休暇に入っていたスティーブ・ジョブズの代わりを務めてきたのが、Tim Cook(ティム・クック)でもありました。
▼Meet Tim Cook: Apple’s New CEO – Deal Journal – WSJ
Cook also filled in for Jobs for two months in 2004, when Jobs recuperated from surgery to remove a cancerous tumor from his pancreas. Jobs later turned over to Cook responsibility for Apple’s worldwide sale and its Mac computer division. He was appointed chief operating officer of Apple in 2005, and stepped in for Jobs again in 2009 when the Apple CEO took a medical leave.