Google「Gears for Safari」ベータ版がリリース

Gears for Safariというエントリーより。

“This is BETA, it is not an official release, it might break your browser. Chances are it will break your browser. Please proceed with caution,” warns Jeremy Moskovich from Google.

ついにGoogleより「Gears for Safari」ベータ版がリリースされました。とはいえ非公式なベータ版なので、利用には注意が必要です。自己責任で。


Gears for Safari beta – Gears Users | Google グループ

“After viewing Install offline access for Mail, I click Next and the installer window disappears. Is it telling me that initialization is not needed? Hard to say. It appears that I now have an Offline settings tab, so I guess it is initialized.”

