Apple II + Contikiでネットサーフィン

Browsing the Web from an Apple II with Contikiという記事より。

Two years ago Glenn Jones made an Ethernet card for the 1984 compuer Apple II and Oliver Schmidt ported Contiki to it. Tim Haynes captured a video of an Apple II running Contiki and browsing the web that made the news back then. Here it is again.

Apple II用のイーサネットカードを作った人がいて、さらに「Contiki」というOSをApple IIに移植した人がいて、そこでウェブブラウザを動かしているビデオがコチラ。



About Contiki

Contiki is designed for embedded systems with small amounts of memory. A typical Contiki configuration is 2 kilobytes of RAM and 40 kilobytes of ROM.
